
The new site is almost ready to launch. I cannot truly express what an accomplishment this is for me. After two years of being tossed about like a beanbag, I surprisingly grew a bit of new anatomy and decided to take on this challenge by myself. This baby is all mine and for someone who prefers to play with art rather than technical web crap, I am quite pleased. Dumbfounded by the amount of time it has taken to assemble all these pages, photoshop and crop images and link this and that, I opted to finally launch my brainchild, albeit a bit premature, and watch it grow into something even better as time goes by. My, I could almost break into song…

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One Response to Ta-Da

  1. Jon Klaverkamp says:

    Amy, why “almost” break into song? Sing! Sing so that those of us who love your art can hear the song up here in the Twin Cities. We will try to provide harmony.


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