Petite Stencils

These original vintage designs are perfect for table linens or wherever a smaller bit of accent is desired. They are generally not intended to be used along the top of a wall near the ceiling like in many stencil applications, although they can sometimes accent crown molding or be used for outlining panels created within boxed beam ceilings.

Dimensions for each stencil in our on-line catalog include the actual height of the stencil image and the length of the repeat. Overlays (stencil plates) are often used not only for color separation (although you can use more than one color in a single overlay to create beautiful blending), but to add strength to the stencil plate. Our stencils are single overlays unless noted. Registration marks are added to make alignment easy and simple instructions are included in every order. For reference, Paintstik® colors used in the samples along with the suggested stencil brush size for that color, follow the dimensions, but are not included in the price of the stencil.


Available in one size; Suggested Paintstik® colors and stencil brush sizes used in above sample follow dimensions.
#8020  $28.50

1.25″ x 11.75″  Yellow Ochre, 3/8″ brush; Purple, 3/8″ brush; Sap Green, 1/2″ brush

Available in one size; Suggested Paintstik® colors and stencil brush sizes used in above sample follow dimensions.
#8030  $28.50

1.5″ x 12.25″  Burnt Umber, 3/8″ brush; Sandstone, 1/2″ brush; Celadon Green, 1/2″ brush;

Available in one size; Suggested Paintstik® colors and stencil brush sizes used in above sample follow dimensions.
#8010  $28.50

1.25″ x 11.75″  Olive Green, 3/8″ brush; Alizarin Crimson, 3/8″ brush; Sandstone, 1/2″ brush; Yellow Ochre, 1/2″ brush
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Available in one size; Suggested Paintstik® colors and stencil brush sizes used in above sample follow dimensions.
#6041  $32.50

1.5″ x 15.5″  Prussian Blue, 3/8″ brush; Sap Green, 1/2″ brush;

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